For a long time, distance learning attracted the attention of both the teachers and the learners, especially now that the internet has become basically the most important source of production and exchange of information. The development of modern technologies became a basis for organizing e-learning, which has become more and more accessible and popular.

The advantage of e-learning consists in the possibility of obtaining knowledge by working on an individual basis according to the prescribed curricula and an established schedule. The modern technologies provide effective feedback, which involves both the organization of teaching materials and the exchange of views and information between participants in the course. This type of training gives the opportunity to the participants to receive advice from the teacher and to evaluate the obtained knowledge without attending the given educational institution. People involved in the study acquire the necessary knowledge within a flexible schedule. We should point out that the e-learning platform is one part of our professional training portfolio. While our e-learning allows for the individual study of given modules, participants must still be present in the educational institution during tests and exams.

We offer various courses at the successful end of which you will be able to obtain a nationally recognized certificate.
The NGO “Pro-Business Nord” training activity was approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova and was licensed by the Licensing Chamber of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova (License A MMII no. 033 165 of 25.11.2009) .

The E-learning Platform was created by AO “Pro-Business Nord” under the Project "Women’s Career Development Program" with financial support from the Agency of the United States for International Development – USAID (grant CA no. 121-A -00-09-00703-00). 

We invite you to join the Distance Learning School

and start building a successful career!