Completed Projects (2000-2008)
The list of PBN’s completed projects:
- Catholic Relief Services/META (with co-financing from the United States Department of Labor): “Local Employment and Training Alliance Center” (2006-2008) – Project on professional training and employment for young women.
- Polish-American Foundation Freedom: “RITA Project” (2004-2005). Exchanging experience between government institutions, non-governmental organizations and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in Moldova and Poland.
- The Canada Fund: “Bridging the Gap: Women Entrepreneurs” (2003-2004) –Training women-leaders in business start-up and development.
- Future Business Leaders Club(own resources and Peace Corps Moldova Volunteers) (2002-2009)
- Peace Corps Moldova: “NGO Resource Center” (2002). Supporting the development of the third sector in the northern region of Moldova.
- International Women’s Club of Moldova: “Training of Trainers” (2002). Training a group of women-leaders of NGOs and Businesses as trainers for their organizations.
- Soros Foundation Moldova: “Entrepreneurship Training for Village Women” with co-financing of USAID (2002) – Project on teaching women how to create and manage their own business.
- United States Embassy in Moldova: “Civil Society: Common Problems with Common Efforts” under the program “Voting” (2002)
- Government of the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands: “Dutch Horticulture Development Project Moldova -AGRIPLAN” (2001) – Training farm leaders in basics of management.