Project ”Creation and Development of a Regional Network for Adult Education in Northern Moldova”
The ”Pro-Business Nord” (PBN) NGO, with financial support of DVV International Moldova from funds provided by BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) for the period March – October 2015, implements the Project ”Creation and Development of a Regional Network for Adult Education in Northern Moldova”.
PROGRAM GOAL: Strengthening organizational potential of Moldovan NGOs active in the field of non formal education.
Overall Objective: Strengthen common efforts and capacities of strategic actors in Adult Education in order to create a Regional Network.
Specific Objective I: Create and strengthen the Regional Network and the platform for dialogue between institutions that promote adult education and non-formal education.
Specific Objective II: Develop practical abilities for professional and personal growth of the unemployed in order to facilitate their employment.
Specific Objective Ш: Organize and conduct the Regional Forum for adult education actors.
- Target groups
The Project target group is reprezented by:
- Leaders, experts and members of NGOs;
- Representatives of Public and Educational Institutions;
- Representatives of Local Departments of Education, Youth and Sport;
- Specialists of the Territorial Employment Agency in Balti;
- Leaders of initiative groups;
- Activities to achieve the goal and objectives:
- Organizing and conducting trainings for developing practical skills for professional and personal growth of the unemployed;
- Creating and strengthening the regional network and a platform for dialogue;
- Organizing and conducting a Regional Forum;
- Evaluating and disseminating information.
- Impact and Sustainability
This pilot project is of primary importance not only for participants, but also for the entire community. The regional network of organizations engaged in non-formal education will be able not only to strengthen their potential, but in the future to actively popularize and promote non-formal education in the northern region of Moldova, to identify needs and create demand among the population for training services and educational programs. By developing a dialogue between NGOs and governmental structures and intensifying information and communication will increase the availability of non-formal education for different categories of citizens, which will contribute to socio-economic development of the region in general.